
How to Get to Know the United States Better

Conocer Estados Unidos - Via Families

Are you interested in doing an exchange program in the United States? In this article, you’ll discover the five things you must do if you go to that country.

We suggest several ideas to help you get to know the United States better.

5 Things You Must Do if You Go on an Exchange to the United States

5 cosas que debes hacer si vas de intercambio a Estados Unidos

New York at night

It is well known that the United States remains one of the world’s major economic powers and an attractive destination for tourists as well as immigrants who aspire to achieve the famous “American Dream.” An exchange student hosted by an American family has the wonderful opportunity to live within this society, understand its values, receive an excellent education, and build a network of contacts that can provide substantial professional support in the long term. If you’re set on going on an exchange to the United States, these five things definitely need to be on your must-do list:

1. Travel

5 things to do in the United States

5 cosas qué hacer en Estados Unidos

Welcome to Las Vegas sign

Diversity is one of the defining characteristics of the United States. Racial, social, cultural, gastronomic, geographic, climatic diversity… You will see this firsthand by traveling within the United States. Going to Florida? The theme parks in Orlando are amazing, as are the beaches and nightlife of Miami. If you prefer the Californian vibe, Los Angeles also has theme parks and beaches perfect for surfing, and the state also has mountainous areas where you can ski, such as Squaw Valley. If you like to gamble, Las Vegas, a city in the desert, is just a few hours away. But if you’re into skyscrapers, financial centers, and finding the greatest ethnic diversity per capita in one place, you should go to New York. And that’s not even mentioning Hawaii, Alaska, the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls… The United States is a wonderful country that you can cross from end to end by car, train, or plane.

2. Meet as many people as you can

As mentioned, one of the fundamental characteristics of American society is the diversity of its people. This is beneficial for anyone looking to find a place to belong, regardless of their origin, race, creed, or ideology, and it also offers the chance to see life from various perspectives simply by talking to people from all walks of life. Additionally, Americans tend to be very special: hardworking, humble, and kind.

3. Discover and enjoy

In the United States, boredom is a personal choice. The list of activities to do and places to see is almost endless: besides the attractions already mentioned, you can attend concerts, festivals like Burning Man, take helicopter rides, do water sports like stand-up paddling and kayaking… If you’re a basketball or baseball fan, you won’t find a better place with top players in these sports. If you enjoy theater, you can visit Broadway; if you’re passionate about comics, you can attend Comic-Con; if you’re a tech fan, go to an E3 convention. In short, there’s always something to do in the United States, the hard part is choosing what.

4. Celebrate the 4th of July

Independence Day of the United States

This is one of the favorite dates for every American. During the Independence Day celebration, joy overflows throughout the United States. Depending on where you are, the 4th of July is celebrated in different ways, but it’s common to see impressive parades in major cities. Also, let’s not forget that the main spectacle of the day is the fireworks; witnessing them is an unforgettable experience.

5. Fill your schedule with activities

During the summer, you can organize or participate in cookouts, a typical American tradition that involves going outside with the family, cooking outdoors, and eating together. You can also take road trips to your preferred destination (the Grand Canyon, Washington, Myrtle Beach, Sonoma…), participate in volunteer work, take piano, cooking, or art classes…

Just remember not to skip the classes for the course or program you’re there for, and complete your respective assignments.

Today, the United States is the place to be. Doing an exchange program in this country allows you to engage in these activities as part of an American family, rather than as a tourist, and that’s priceless.

Have you decided to go on an exchange to the United States? Contact us for advice.

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